Thursday, March 25, 2010


Just finished a project based on the 7 deadly sins, i chose wrath. The punishment for the sin of wrath is to be torn limb from limb. So i thought it would be fun to have a character expressing wrath be ripping another person limb from limb. After having that idea madness ensued and i ended up with this.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


So at the art supply store my friends and i go to you can buy a $10 henna kit. It's so much fun and i love drawing on my friends. here's some of the designs i did.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Newest Paintings

Just a couple of my most recent pieces. First one is called "Love Bunnies", the second one with the snake is called "Nightmare", and the fish is named "Frank" (he just looks like a Frank to me). Just another way of showing how my bizarre mind works i guess.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Zombie Magazine spreads

Using my name as the title of a magazine, and making the cover provoke the idea of my subject rather than shout it at the viewer. My subject was zombies and i created 2 spreads to go with the cover. I wanted to evoke emotion with the first, giving the feeling of devastating loneliness, and with the second i wanted you to feel scared like you were being surrounded. here are the images with out the type on them .